The offial UMNO Election Result is out , most of result end up as expected
President UMNO : Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ( Automatic Win )
Deputy President UMNO : Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin
Muhyiddin Yassin, who bagged 1,575 votes, defeated Muhammad Muhd Taib (916) in the race for Umno deputy president.
My pesonal favourite , young , son of 3rd Malaysian prime minister, previous UMNO youth president for a decade : Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, win as one of the vise president.
My personal upset is the result of UMNO youth result , won my khairi jamaluddin, son in law of current Prime Minister.
Other big upsets are , Embattled Tourism Minister Azalina Othman Said and four MBs has failed in bid to retain Umno supreme council seat.
So , Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin is next Prime minister after Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ? , aprox in another 6 years , if BN still in power .
This review consists of my personal point of view of this movie , Watchmen . Teaser shown as advertisement in theaters almost for last eight months . And at last , yesterday this movie released in Malaysia , 05/03/09 .
Brief Watchmen Story Line :
Hard to explain , never mind i try my best . The movie starts with ONE of the Hero , Canadian killed by a mysterious man . Watchman , actually is the name of group stand for group of Heroes , and kind of Super Heroes , in 1960's . And by time past by , few heroes killed and stop be a American masked Super Heroes . Movie story occurring in 1980's , where America and Soviet Union in era of Cold War , lead to 3rd World War , treat of Nuclear War . And America win in Vietnam War , lol lol lol , with the help of this superheroes . At the end , one of the superhero , tricked all other superheroes , to save the world from nuclear war , by "sacrificing few Million peoples to save other few Billion peoples" .
My Own Point Of View of Watchmen :
Watchman , for sure movie for adults . There are two kind of Hollywood movies . First , the movie explain it self and make you enjoy the movie without need any thinking . Second , the audience need understand the movie to enjoy the movie . Watchman , is the second kind of movie , which the audience need to watch the movie carefully to enjoy the movie . Quite a long movie , 2 hours and 45 minutes , with lots of redundancy .
My personal Rank for Watchman :
if you kind of person , wants the movie talk for itself and entertains you : 5/10
if you kind of person , like to understand the movie to entertain yourself : 7/10
You heard it , you got it . Let me present to you few pictures of Proton's Exora . The MPV will on the road next month , with price tag around RM80,000 only , lol . The picture of Proton Exora planned to kept secrete by PROTON officials but the picrures start to leaked in internet since last two months . So Proton Exora meet your taste ?