Our prime minister, YAB Dato' Sri Haji Mohd Najib has launched the Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA 1Malaysia) on 12th January 2012. This was previously informed in 2012 Budget in parliament last year. 100,000 households(palabur) with income not exceeded(tidak melebihi) RM3000 per month(gaji sebulan) expected to be benefit from this program.
Provider : Malaysian Development Holdings Sdn Bhd
Eligibility :
1). Malaysians aged between 18 and 58 years old
2). Gross household income of between RM500 and RM3,000
3). Applicants must not be declared bankrupt throughout the loan funding period
4). Any other terms set by the banks
Return :
Invest Own RM5000
RM 133(dividend per month) X 12(month) = RM1596 per year
RM 1596 x 5(year) = RM7980 profit (RM 7980) + ur capital (RM5000) = RM12980(Total Return)
Invest From Bank Loan RM5000
RM133(dividend per month - RM83(bank loan deduction) = RM50(income per month)
RM 50 X 12(month) = RM600 per year
RM 600 x 5(years) = RM3000Profit (RM 3000) + capital (RM5000) = RM8000(Total Return)
Get(Dapatkan) The Application Form(Borang Pendaftaran) from:
Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Malayan Banking Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad dan RHB Bank Berhad.
Loan Providers:
Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Malayan Banking Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad dan RHB Bank Berhad.
Amanah Saham 1Malaysia Release Date:
Jan 30 2012
Good Luck, thank you for the government.
Dear readers and followers, as we can see in the daily news and current nations political moves clearly indicating its preparation for the 13th National General Election. Last election is the worse for the ruling Barisan National(BN) and best for the sudden opposition coalition of Pakatan Rakyat(PR).

As a political observer, in my own point of view the next general election will be a
do or die for the opposition coalitions and
do or struggle for the ruling coalition.
The ruling coalition(BN), need to win back the seats they loose in the 12th national general election and gain real majority. This is important to make sure they can run the country and create new policies with minimal interruption. If they fail to do so, the opposition will have the chance to strengthen their influence and create strong holds in the parliament and state assembly seats which is currently under them. In 14th(approximately in 2016) general election the Barisan National will have very hard time to win back this seats. At the same time the ruling coalition need to find ways to curb the raging influence of opposition coalition especially among the youths(increasing number of new voters).
The opposition coalition(PR), first they need to hold on the seats they win in the 12th national general election. BN already start to work and align strategy to win back the areas/seats they lost to oppositions, straight away after the 12th national general election(year 2008). Now the challenge in the opposition coalition's door step, to keep the seats they win in the 12th national general election. The threat comes in monetary, media coverage, and national & local issues. The opposition leaders need to find ways to handle all this threat to maintain the parliament and state assembly seats. If the opposition coalition able to handle the 1st situation, than they can steadily strive forward the next goal, gain simple majority. The opposition need to find ways to win more seats/areas to get them at least a simple majority to become ruling party. By failing to do so, the ruling coalition can utilize the upcoming four or five years until the 14th national general election to minimize or distract the influence of PR in the country.
Influence = politics = political party, No Influence mean no political party.
What is your opinion about our country's 13th National General Election?
Looking forward to write more in detail of upcoming 13th national general election in the next post :
- Events that makes the 13th General Election More Interesting
- Choose Your Site : 13th General Election
Stay tune....