Watch Latest Election Ceramahs
Petaling Jaya SS2 residents turn up in the hundreds to hear the DAP candidates speak. Judging from their reaction, they were not disappointed. When Kit Siang arrived, the atmosphere was almost concert-like as the DAP election campaign song 'Just Change' blared from the huge speakers and the crowd clamoured to shake Lim's hand.
Guest speaker lawyer Haris Ibrahim took the stage and drew applause after almost every sentence as he called for equality and an end to racial politics at the DAP ceramah at SS2 night market on last Monday.
For all that the MIC considers Kapar to be its fortress, the parliamentary seat will be one to watch this time around. IncumbentP Komala Devi won the seat comfortably with a 14,588 majority in the2004 elections, but an upset may be on the cards - all because of theHindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Makkal Sakti GE 2008 Video Review by Townguy(final part)
Hai my loyal readers , i really thank all my readers who take the effort to follow up my review since last few days. There are some readers send their fit back to my mail , to those readers it is better add your feedback as comment in my blog so other readers also can see your opinion . Today i am posting the final review of Makkal Sakti GE 2008 video.
Ok i start from where i stop in yesterdays post. There are many tamil schools been closed in rural and estate areas. The reason of the goverments is, there are not enough students . But in the same time no new tamil schools been build in new housing area or cities where many indians leaving. In 80's and 90's many indians been killed by police in the jail . They(polis) cover up without any news leak to public , only the family member knows the real story.
The Malaysian indians soo easily influence by ruling coalition party's(BN) empty promises and fancy advertisement . That is the only time Malaysian Indians noticed by the government very well because they know , Malaysian Indians does not have unity and do not have any other option than voting for BN. BN only option for Indians all this time because the are no other opposition party which representing Indians. For example , in every Big BN meeting we can ear the prime minister announce that by upcoming few year Malaysian Indians economy share in this country will increase from 1.2% to 3.0%. But until now it just remain as announcement and not become reality. In my own opinion why Malaysian Indians economy share only can be 3%, it suppose to be 8% because indians population in this country in 8%.
Since many years only one minister representing Indians in Parliament , he is Dato Samy Vello. Other two indian representative just deputy ministers . When one of the temple demolish, Dato Samy vello rush to the location and try to stop the government officers from demolishing the temple. But the demolishing carried as been planned without bother a ministers order , and he is the only minister who representing Indians. The point is , even government servant not obey the order from Dato Samy Vello , than how he wanna fight for the Indians rights in the Parliament by facing other Parliament members?
Than the video continue with the images from the November 25 HINDRAF rally. For international readers if you don't know what is HINDRAF , just Google or watch the videos in youtube , you will mazed by the facts about what really happening to Malaysian Indians.
Now we in end of the review , so i take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers again and end up this review with one question(to whom who know what mean by Bumiputra). My grandparents born here(Malaysia), my parents born here , i born here , than why aim not a Bumiputra?
To who not yet watch the video yet, the link:
video: Makkal Sakti GE 2008
Ok i start from where i stop in yesterdays post. There are many tamil schools been closed in rural and estate areas. The reason of the goverments is, there are not enough students . But in the same time no new tamil schools been build in new housing area or cities where many indians leaving. In 80's and 90's many indians been killed by police in the jail . They(polis) cover up without any news leak to public , only the family member knows the real story.
The Malaysian indians soo easily influence by ruling coalition party's(BN) empty promises and fancy advertisement . That is the only time Malaysian Indians noticed by the government very well because they know , Malaysian Indians does not have unity and do not have any other option than voting for BN. BN only option for Indians all this time because the are no other opposition party which representing Indians. For example , in every Big BN meeting we can ear the prime minister announce that by upcoming few year Malaysian Indians economy share in this country will increase from 1.2% to 3.0%. But until now it just remain as announcement and not become reality. In my own opinion why Malaysian Indians economy share only can be 3%, it suppose to be 8% because indians population in this country in 8%.
Since many years only one minister representing Indians in Parliament , he is Dato Samy Vello. Other two indian representative just deputy ministers . When one of the temple demolish, Dato Samy vello rush to the location and try to stop the government officers from demolishing the temple. But the demolishing carried as been planned without bother a ministers order , and he is the only minister who representing Indians. The point is , even government servant not obey the order from Dato Samy Vello , than how he wanna fight for the Indians rights in the Parliament by facing other Parliament members?
Than the video continue with the images from the November 25 HINDRAF rally. For international readers if you don't know what is HINDRAF , just Google or watch the videos in youtube , you will mazed by the facts about what really happening to Malaysian Indians.
Now we in end of the review , so i take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers again and end up this review with one question(to whom who know what mean by Bumiputra). My grandparents born here(Malaysia), my parents born here , i born here , than why aim not a Bumiputra?
To who not yet watch the video yet, the link:
video: Makkal Sakti GE 2008
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Makkal Sakti GE 2008 Review by Townguy(part 2)
Hai readers , thanks again for your affort to read my review(part 2).Special thanks for and his comment. Hope more readers add comment and voice out there opinion by add comments after read the post.
Yesterday by review cover until decrease of Malaysian Indian professionals in Malaysia caused my hidden agenda of Government. Now i continue my review to cover other issues mentioned in the video.
In the government sector , promotion chances very rare for non-malays. This is my personal experience , my father working in government sector. He working in a major goverment hospital since last 26 years as attendon pharmacy. In his career only once he receive a small reward(not promotion). i can ear my father say , got malay(bumiputra) in his place , not even work for 10 years , but already get promotion for higher rank. My experience in my fathers case only one of the example .
Another issue make malaysian indian who patient all this time to raise and voice again the goverment is , beacause of Hindu temple demolition by the government . Malaysian Indians raise and voice their unhappiness in very humble way , but what they get back is humiliation and more unfair treatment. for example , HINDRAF leaders who open the eyes of the malaysian indian community about goverments hidden agenda on them , now under ISA custody(it is a special law to arrest anyone without any trayel).
Again goverment sector which almost 93% populated by malays(bumiputra) become controversial . Government providing lots of benefits , but still they asking for more and more benefits, i think in few years they will ask goverment to provide them everything for free, who knows goverment even will do that , because the majority people will benefit from it is the malays(bumiputra).
The young malay leaders especially from UMNO(major ruling party) acting like there are no other religion and race than Islam in this country. The most warring part is , if they become leader of the party in future , that mean they are the prime minister of this country because they from main ruling party. This young malay leaders not even worrying about other faces sensitivity at all. I afraid if they rule the country , they not only will demolish all the temples but also will demolish other races in this country.
i will post my final review for this topic tomorrow .
to whom not yet watch the video , the link:
video:Makkal Sakti GE 2008.
Yesterday by review cover until decrease of Malaysian Indian professionals in Malaysia caused my hidden agenda of Government. Now i continue my review to cover other issues mentioned in the video.
In the government sector , promotion chances very rare for non-malays. This is my personal experience , my father working in government sector. He working in a major goverment hospital since last 26 years as attendon pharmacy. In his career only once he receive a small reward(not promotion). i can ear my father say , got malay(bumiputra) in his place , not even work for 10 years , but already get promotion for higher rank. My experience in my fathers case only one of the example .
Another issue make malaysian indian who patient all this time to raise and voice again the goverment is , beacause of Hindu temple demolition by the government . Malaysian Indians raise and voice their unhappiness in very humble way , but what they get back is humiliation and more unfair treatment. for example , HINDRAF leaders who open the eyes of the malaysian indian community about goverments hidden agenda on them , now under ISA custody(it is a special law to arrest anyone without any trayel).
Again goverment sector which almost 93% populated by malays(bumiputra) become controversial . Government providing lots of benefits , but still they asking for more and more benefits, i think in few years they will ask goverment to provide them everything for free, who knows goverment even will do that , because the majority people will benefit from it is the malays(bumiputra).
The young malay leaders especially from UMNO(major ruling party) acting like there are no other religion and race than Islam in this country. The most warring part is , if they become leader of the party in future , that mean they are the prime minister of this country because they from main ruling party. This young malay leaders not even worrying about other faces sensitivity at all. I afraid if they rule the country , they not only will demolish all the temples but also will demolish other races in this country.
i will post my final review for this topic tomorrow .
to whom not yet watch the video , the link:
video:Makkal Sakti GE 2008.
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Makkal Sakti GE 2008 Review by Townguy(PART 1)
First of all , thanks for the effort to start read this post and hope you will read until finish.
Makkal Sakti GE 2008 video is like hot cake , spreading fast in north region like Kedah and Perlis, now on the way to KL , lol . I watch the full video , and the content in the video which is really touching make me write this review. Some of you maybe already watch the video, but you cant share what you feel and think to say to community. After read this post and watch the video , sure you will got something to add in the comment for this post , it can be your voice , i am proudly welcome your comment at the end of this post . Now i start the review:
The video start by telling us the history of glorious Indians who rule this Region(now known as Malaysia & Singapore). The voice in the video remind us the great indian rulers[Parameswara(Singapore),Rajenthire Cholan(Kedah),Nille Uthimen(Singepore)] , who rule this region far before Westerners like British and Portuguese colonizations . The voice in the video tell about this history to remind indians in this country that, our grandsesters not here(Malaysia) 100 years ago as labours but been great people once a ponne time (in BC). Indians who came to this country as labours , clean the jungle and build basic infranstuctures in Malaysia(before independence-Malaya). Now the same community left behind by 50 years of grouth compare to other faces in Malaysia. Indians left behind in many aspects , such as economy(for sure),employeement discrimination in goverment departments,unappropriate education opprtunity and so on.....
Now we the the statistics shown in the video . In year 2000 , malaysian indians share was 1.5% from malaysian economy , but by the year 2005 it decrease to only 1.2%. And the real story is , out of 1.2% , 0.9% on share hold by Malaysian Indian Billionares . That means, small calculation (1.2-0.9=0.3), only 0.3% share hole by whole malaysian indian community in malaysian economy.
When Malaysia get independence 50 years ago , we can see Malaysian Indians working in goverment sector in very big number . But now even that opportunity take away by goverment and given to malays(bumiputra). As a result , now its is hard to see malaysian Indians working in goverment sector even as a low rank clack or high ranked officer . When independence(50years back), Malysian indiance populated professional fields like lawyer , doctor ,and engineer by 40% from total proffesional workforce in Malaysia , but today , that percentage dreg down to 20% by goverment, using policy and hidden agenda which favors the Malay(bumiputra)
i continue the review tomorrow , because of time constrain.
video link:Makkal Sakti GE 2008
Makkal Sakti GE 2008 video is like hot cake , spreading fast in north region like Kedah and Perlis, now on the way to KL , lol . I watch the full video , and the content in the video which is really touching make me write this review. Some of you maybe already watch the video, but you cant share what you feel and think to say to community. After read this post and watch the video , sure you will got something to add in the comment for this post , it can be your voice , i am proudly welcome your comment at the end of this post . Now i start the review:
The video start by telling us the history of glorious Indians who rule this Region(now known as Malaysia & Singapore). The voice in the video remind us the great indian rulers[Parameswara(Singapore),Rajenthire Cholan(Kedah),Nille Uthimen(Singepore)] , who rule this region far before Westerners like British and Portuguese colonizations . The voice in the video tell about this history to remind indians in this country that, our grandsesters not here(Malaysia) 100 years ago as labours but been great people once a ponne time (in BC). Indians who came to this country as labours , clean the jungle and build basic infranstuctures in Malaysia(before independence-Malaya). Now the same community left behind by 50 years of grouth compare to other faces in Malaysia. Indians left behind in many aspects , such as economy(for sure),employeement discrimination in goverment departments,unappropriate education opprtunity and so on.....
Now we the the statistics shown in the video . In year 2000 , malaysian indians share was 1.5% from malaysian economy , but by the year 2005 it decrease to only 1.2%. And the real story is , out of 1.2% , 0.9% on share hold by Malaysian Indian Billionares . That means, small calculation (1.2-0.9=0.3), only 0.3% share hole by whole malaysian indian community in malaysian economy.
When Malaysia get independence 50 years ago , we can see Malaysian Indians working in goverment sector in very big number . But now even that opportunity take away by goverment and given to malays(bumiputra). As a result , now its is hard to see malaysian Indians working in goverment sector even as a low rank clack or high ranked officer . When independence(50years back), Malysian indiance populated professional fields like lawyer , doctor ,and engineer by 40% from total proffesional workforce in Malaysia , but today , that percentage dreg down to 20% by goverment, using policy and hidden agenda which favors the Malay(bumiputra)
i continue the review tomorrow , because of time constrain.
video link:Makkal Sakti GE 2008
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Are you non-malay? and wanna vote for BN ?
Are you a non-malay(Buminputra) and want to vote for Barisan Nasional(BN-rulling party of Malaysia for 50 years) on 8th March?, so this are the fact you must know before enter the polling station on 8th March.
If you feel no or agree , please add your comments , so it will encourage for me to be more productive in gathering facts and publish in my blog.
truly:townguy's&Makkal Sakti supporter's voice
- 90% intake for army,police , and nurses for malays(Bumiputra)
- 99% petronas station own by malays(Bumiputra)
- 93% goverment servant in putrajaya are malays(Bumiputra)
- 95% of goverment contracts for malays(Bumiputra)
- 100% goverment university vice chancellors are malays(Bumiputra)
- 2000 plus malay(Bumiputra) students send to Japan&Korea under "Look East Policy"
- 500,000 plus indonesians(indons) given malaysian citizenship everty year by goverment t increase malays population.
- 950,000 plus chinese&indians with Red IC denied citizenship since independence
- 0% church/temples been build since independence,accept been allowed to renovation or switch place .
- 80 plus tamil(indian) primary schools been close since independence especially which located in rural estates
- and so on and on..............
If you feel no or agree , please add your comments , so it will encourage for me to be more productive in gathering facts and publish in my blog.
truly:townguy's&Makkal Sakti supporter's voice
Posted by
Name : Townguy

8pm update:No roses delivered today
By 6pm today, the police released all arrested Hindraf supporters, including 20 children, except for nine people who are still being detained for questioning.
The nine, including two women, all aged between 35 and 40, were remanded for repeatedly defying police instructions to disperse.
They are believed to be the organising committee members of today’s gathering, including Manickavasagam.
According to Kuala Lumpur police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman, a total of 124 individuals, including a mother and her daughter, were picked up by police.
He also said the nine would be remanded today. One of the men is on the police wanted list for a criminal case in Sentul.
When contacted, a tired Mahendran said that at Pulapol all arrested people were taken in for questioning in batches and he was in the last batch.
“I was arrested at 10.30am and was kept at Pulapol until about 6pm. I am now released without any charges,” he said.
The nine, including two women, all aged between 35 and 40, were remanded for repeatedly defying police instructions to disperse.
They are believed to be the organising committee members of today’s gathering, including Manickavasagam.
According to Kuala Lumpur police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman, a total of 124 individuals, including a mother and her daughter, were picked up by police.
He also said the nine would be remanded today. One of the men is on the police wanted list for a criminal case in Sentul.
When contacted, a tired Mahendran said that at Pulapol all arrested people were taken in for questioning in batches and he was in the last batch.
“I was arrested at 10.30am and was kept at Pulapol until about 6pm. I am now released without any charges,” he said.
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Flash news:200 nabbed at rose protest(Malaysia)
Police fired teargas and chemical-laced water cannons in a bid to disperse some 300 Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) supporters who gathered for a peaceful event in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, early this morning.
According to Hindraf coordinator S Thanenthiran, about 200 people have been arrested. Also nabbed was Hindraf’s rose campaign organiser S Manickavasagam.
According to Hindraf coordinator S Thanenthiran, about 200 people have been arrested. Also nabbed was Hindraf’s rose campaign organiser S Manickavasagam.
There were heavy police presence in Jalan Raja Laut. Four water cannon trucks were stationed along the route leading to Parliament.
The Hindraf event was initially planned to be held at the Parliament gates where 200 children were to gather to hand over roses as a peaceful gesture requesting that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi heed the group’s 18-point demands.
News that roads leading to Parliament were closed to prevent them from going to Parliament then led them to change the gathering venue to Jalan Raja Laut.
After being chased away by some 40 plainclothes policemen, the supporters ran and were scattered around the Masjid India area.
I will upload the video as soon as i can , this news also i cut and past middle of my broes wedding rush in nearby cybercafe .source : Malaysia kini( i got the access pass)
Posted by
Name : Townguy

DO you know why Malaysian Parliment dissolved in rush by PM?
The two key word readers must notice in the tittle is , "why" and "rush" parliament been dissolve .
Ok, first we see "why" parliament been dissolve very early , just 3 years and 8 month in power .The government still can run for another 18 months without ant need for election . This make me wonder , why this happening , must be solid reason behind all this drama .
You know why? If NO , here are few reasons "why" the parliament dissolve very early:
Just now i put all the points related keyword "why" the parliament been dissolved early . In 2 days time i will post the events to support second keyword "rush" .
I will be busy for 2 days cause of broes wedding .
Truly: Townguy's voice
Ok, first we see "why" parliament been dissolve very early , just 3 years and 8 month in power .The government still can run for another 18 months without ant need for election . This make me wonder , why this happening , must be solid reason behind all this drama .
You know why? If NO , here are few reasons "why" the parliament dissolve very early:
- This is pure political drama . Do you know Malaysia Indians having second rally coming 26th feb after first held on last november in KL by HINDRAF ? This time Malaysia Indians planned to have a rally to guide children to give roses to Prime Minister in the Parliment as a peaceful and humble request to release 5 Hindaf leaders who now under ISA custody . Now the Parliament dissolved and officially there is no Prime Minister in this country , now the government have a childish and somehow good reason to not allow permit to this rally , to avoid minority Indian ethnic assemble again like last November . Same time Prime Minister can avoid receiving rose and humble request to free the 5 Hindaf heroes . No permit mean , its time for FRU(special police force) training time ,lol , to throw tear gas and use chemical water canon.
- There is another hidden political agenda behind this early polling . If the election held after 8 month from now , Datuk Anuar Ibrahim , currently Adviser of Party Keadilan can take part in election as a nominee . Now he still have to obey nations political rule says: any politician been jailed , cannot compete in election for 5 years after release from jail . For information , Datuk Anuar Ibrahim Malaysia's former deputy prime minister who been jailed in 1999 until 2003 .
- Third solid reason is to regain good image of Malaysian government on the eyes of the world . All this time , Malaysian government stand against any discrimination wherever in the world , and always says "Malaysia Truly Asia". But...., last November rally in Kuala Lumpur by minority indian ethnics , reveal to world that the same government talk about discrimination in the global stage but performing the same act on the minority groups. This is a big shame for the government . To recover , election is the only way . By winning the election with big margin , the government believe can regain the good image and start bullshit the world again with its "Malaysia truly Asia" propaganda.
- Opposition party getting stronger day by day because of current hot issues . such as:
- Indian ethnic discrimination by government
- price raising, almost everything
- corruption
- increasing intellectual level of young generation
- frequent rally for many political reasons
- increasing child abuse and criminal cases , eg, case NURIN
Just now i put all the points related keyword "why" the parliament been dissolved early . In 2 days time i will post the events to support second keyword "rush" .
I will be busy for 2 days cause of broes wedding .
Truly: Townguy's voice
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Rose for peace
On February 16, 2008, HINDRAF is planning a peaceful rally in which 100 children will hand over roses to request the Prime Minister of Malaysia to release five (5) detainees of the HINDRAF, who are currently under Internal Securtiy Act (A draconian law which allows for indefinite detention without trial).
We invite foreign press/media and international human rights groups to Malaysia to witness the rally in person. The rally is also being held simultaneously in the following venues:
Date : 16th February 2008 (Saturday)
Venue : Parliament House Kuala Lumpur
Address: Jalan Parlimen, 50680, Kuala Lumpur
Time : 11.00 am
Los Angeles, California, USA
Date: February 16, 2008
Venue: In front of Consulate General of Malaysia, Los Angeles
Address: 550 South Hope Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90071.
Time: 10am - 2pm
New York, USA
Date : 16th February 2008 (Saturday)
Venue : Malaysian Consulate General of New York
Address: -313 East, 43rd Street, NY, NY 10017 Nearest Subway – Grand Central
Time: 11.00 am - 1pm
Venue: 414A, Avenue de Tervuren 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Time: 11.00 am
Northern Ireland
Address : Level 3A - 5A Shelbourne House, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Venue: Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. X/6, No.1-3 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Time: 11.00 am
Date : 16th February 2008
Venue: High Commission of Malaysia, London
Address: Malaysian High Commission 45-46 Belgrave Square London
Time: 10.30-11.30 am
New Delhi, India
Venue : In Front Of Malaysian Embassy
50-M, Satya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Time: 11.00 am
Mumbai, India
Venue: 4-B, 4th Floor, Notan Plaza, Turner Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050.
New Zealand
Address : No. 10 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, P.O. Box 9422, Wellington, New Zealand
Chancery: 7 Perth Avenue
Yarralumla ACT 2600
To show your support online and sign Petition, please click(here)
We invite foreign press/media and international human rights groups to Malaysia to witness the rally in person. The rally is also being held simultaneously in the following venues:
Date : 16th February 2008 (Saturday)
Venue : Parliament House Kuala Lumpur
Address: Jalan Parlimen, 50680, Kuala Lumpur
Time : 11.00 am
Los Angeles, California, USA
Date: February 16, 2008
Venue: In front of Consulate General of Malaysia, Los Angeles
Address: 550 South Hope Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90071.
Time: 10am - 2pm
New York, USA
Date : 16th February 2008 (Saturday)
Venue : Malaysian Consulate General of New York
Address: -313 East, 43rd Street, NY, NY 10017 Nearest Subway – Grand Central
Time: 11.00 am - 1pm
Venue: 414A, Avenue de Tervuren 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Time: 11.00 am
Northern Ireland
Address : Level 3A - 5A Shelbourne House, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Venue: Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. X/6, No.1-3 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Time: 11.00 am
Date : 16th February 2008
Venue: High Commission of Malaysia, London
Address: Malaysian High Commission 45-46 Belgrave Square London
Time: 10.30-11.30 am
New Delhi, India
Venue : In Front Of Malaysian Embassy
50-M, Satya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Time: 11.00 am
Mumbai, India
Venue: 4-B, 4th Floor, Notan Plaza, Turner Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050.
New Zealand
Address : No. 10 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, P.O. Box 9422, Wellington, New Zealand
Chancery: 7 Perth Avenue
Yarralumla ACT 2600
P.Waytha Moorthy"
To show your support online and sign Petition, please click(here)
Posted by
Name : Townguy

PM dissolves Parliament(Malaysia)
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday announced the dissolution of the Parliament at a specially arranged press conference at his office in Putrajaya.
He made a brief statement to the media - carried 'live' by RTM - stating that the Election Commission (EC) will have to fix the date for the nation’s 12th general election.

The Election Commission today announced that the nation’s 12th general election to be held on March 8, a Saturday coinciding with the school holidays. Nomination day is fixed on Feb 24, a Sunday.
This means the parties would be getting a longer campaigning period of 13 days. At stake will be 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats. There are no state elections in Sarawak.

This means the parties would be getting a longer campaigning period of 13 days. At stake will be 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats. There are no state elections in Sarawak.
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Photo Of UTHAYAKUMAR and MANOHARAN (Hindraf's Worriors)
to view the photo , please visit voice-politics(click here)..
to view the photo , please visit voice-politics(click here)..
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Vwaishhnnavi: Come with us Tan Sri .
Five-year-old Vwaishhnnavi daughter of Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairperson P Waythamoorthy invites.....
to read more and view the letter wrote by the girl please visit voice-politic(click here)
to read more and view the letter wrote by the girl please visit voice-politic(click here)
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Chinese Horoscope 2008 Feb 7(Rat year)

Every year in Chinese calender represents different animal sign. Born a new year , it reflects its time to switch from one animal sign to another . When this happens , the structure of horoscope change according to particular animal .
Since the exist of Chinese calender , there strong believe among Chinese community that , each animal year give differentness luck and prosperity .
So here i include a link which describes your fortune for this year according to your animal sign , base on Chinese calender:
This website contain facts about , how will be the :
- General
- Career
- Wealth
- Relationship
- Health
- People
- Action
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Joy of upcomin chinese new year
The joy of upcoming Chinese new year already can be filled since last few weeks .
Most of the shopping malls set array of temporary shops and having shows all the day .
Below are some picture took by me(townguy), in one of shopping mall in Malaysia.
IF anyone interested knowing detail about Chinese horoscope for this year(Rat year), i will include it on wednesday , so always give a glance on my blog for other news also .
Most of the shopping malls set array of temporary shops and having shows all the day .
Below are some picture took by me(townguy), in one of shopping mall in Malaysia.
IF anyone interested knowing detail about Chinese horoscope for this year(Rat year), i will include it on wednesday , so always give a glance on my blog for other news also .
Posted by
Name : Townguy

British Hindus seek release of detained Malaysian Hindus
London: Hindus in Britain are throwing their weight behind Tamils in Malaysia. They want Prime Minister Gordon Brown to intervene and are demanding a fair trial for detained Hindu activists in Malaysia...
To read fill news and watch the news please visit voice-politic(click here)....
To read fill news and watch the news please visit voice-politic(click here)....
Posted by
Name : Townguy

Verbal agreement with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badaw
Malaysia's former premier Mahathir Mohamad said Wednesday he never intended his successor Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to serve more than one term.......
To read the full story please visit voice-politic(click here).....
To read the full story please visit voice-politic(click here).....
Posted by
Name : Townguy

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