Chinese Horoscope 2008 Feb 7(Rat year)

Every year in Chinese calender represents different animal sign. Born a new year , it reflects its time to switch from one animal sign to another . When this happens , the structure of horoscope change according to particular animal .

Since the exist of Chinese calender , there strong believe among Chinese community that , each animal year give differentness luck and prosperity .

So here i include a link which describes your fortune for this year according to your animal sign , base on Chinese calender:

This website contain facts about , how will be the :
  1. General
  2. Career
  3. Wealth
  4. Relationship
  5. Health
  6. People
  7. Action
according to each persons animal sign .


Shalini Gowrisankar said...

Happy Chinese new year to you! Thanks for dropping by my blog :)