Hai my dear readers , after quite a long break ,
im back to write an interesting article . How should i start this article ........ , i start with the incident and behavior of our community especially the elder ones which inspires me to write this article .
Most of us have been see , how our parents react to any news from India . Some of our parents or grandparents quite up to date about all the news from India , especially ,
Tamilnadu . They even watch sun
tv at
astro about
Tamilnadu's news even miss to watch
Bernama or
Tv3 news . More over
tamil news papers in Malaysia allocate few pages to print news from India , includes election result , train crash , flood and etc . This is the best part , if they see any Indians from India , they sometimes tend to treat them very special ,
im not talking about the
Alam Flora workers ,
lol . We look them very talented even thou they not . For and example , i give tell my personal experience . My father , is a friendly person , and i have seen him and my grandmother treat Indians from India very well even thou they not close relative and just company workers . You may ask me , so what ? , is that wrong treat Indians from India well.
Okey okey let me finish the whole story(my personal experience) before we argue about this .
All of you start to questioning , why i sound
soo like anti-India Indians . The story started in a
pasar(Market) . My family involve in a small
partime business , selling button . We only open our shop on
saturdays ,
sundays , and public holidays . Not far from the market , there are a company area . Small group of India Indians working there , and they usually come to the market. Most of them not even know basic
malay . From that small group of India Indians , one or two of them will talk and spend time with local Indian shop owners . Among all the local Indian shop owners , my father is the most friendly person . Week by week they get close to by father , and my father also talk to them when he is free . Sometimes my father wont be around , so i will take charge of the shop . As usual they will come to shop read news paper and chat with me .
Most of the time , they will comment about by
breakfast , they call it
tiffen . When they see , usually i will take
mee goreng or
nasi lemak for my
breakfast . One of the India Indian guy will look at me , and the dialog will sound something like this:
Tamil conversation translated to English,
lol :
India Indian : what you eating?
Me :
mee goreng /
nasi lemak.
India Indian : you Malaysians , i also don't know how you all eating this kind of things ,
meela ,
nasi lemakla ,
kfcla ,
pizzala .
Me : so what you all take for your
diffen ?
India Indian : we will take idle or
tosai , its healthy
Me : we leaving in Malaysia , need to suite our self with food style here .
India Indian : You and your
Malaysain foods ,
This is the most common issue , food , i and Indian Indians always argue about . I wont be that harsh when answer them , because they elder people than me and its not polite .
The second issue/argument is about the way we do
Tiruvila(big prayers in temple for few days) and the way we conduct the funerals . This issue begin to be argued if any funeral or
thiruvila taking place in the
nieberhood .
Funeral :
India Indian : I heart someone past away today
Me : Ya , the funeral will finish today evening
India Indian : Just today morning , he/she past way , why the funeral finishing very fast.
Me : Anne , than how long you want they do the funeral ?
India Indian : At least more than one day . In my village(back in India) , we will keep the died
person's body until all the relative come and look at it . The body only can be move after all of them agree .We will decorate the chariot which will carry the body
nicely . We will dance(
kutte dance) front of the body all the way to the burn
tamil) . You lazy
malaysians , put the body in a van and sit in it
until reach the burn place(
tamil) .
Me : Oh my god . Anne , you should understand the reasons why we not doing as you in
your village . First reason , all the close relative will arrive soon , because Malaysia
not big as India , and the public transport and highways far more here far more
better than India . Second , we wont dance front of the body all the way until the
burn place ,the place is very far , and most important , we Malaysian are
multiracial . We Indians know why we dancing of the body , are the Malays and
Chinese know why we dance like a barbarian front of a corp , it is important to
preserve our image among the multiracial la
anne . We need a van , because
tempat pengkebumian(sorry i
dont know in
english , someone help me) very far
from our home and not like your village , every village got one place .
India Indian :
aahh , all that just reasons .
Thiruvilla :
India Indian : Got
thiruvilla this week at that temple . Are you going or participating?
Me : Ya i will go when got important prayers or see first .
India Indian : You Malaysia Indians not really following the correct
thiruvilla rules , and you
young people not aggressive enough.
Me : rules as ?
India Indian : Anyone who belongs to this town/village not should go out to other town/village, and etc .
Me :
Aiyo ,
anne must remember we here stay in one place and travel to another place
to work like from
Selangor to Kl , or
Johor to Singapore . You
lastime work in your
own village , there is no need for you leave your village .
India Indian :
Thituvilla time we wont work , all of us will participate in the
Me : Hows that possible ? salary ? income ?
India Indians : In India , we villagers will work 6
monts , and celebrate
Thiruvilla 6 month .(Real Fact)
Because the rice production on our land only need six months .
Me :
OMG) , please
dont compare your farming work with our work here .
Here we must work almost everyday to get fill our stomach . (This is source for
another article in near future(title - Downfall of Indians Competitiveness ) . Here
you try
do not go work six month in your company than tell me how , ha ha ha .
argument will lead to more hot issues between me and the India Indians , due to time
constraint i will finish the article tomorrow . It will contain more hot arguments and the
argument which inspires me to write this
article .