Google Adsence & Web Hosting

Google adsence,............ yeees uh ah wallaweh, chill chill, what happen? After a long wait, my google adsence reached 100 USD and i just withdraw the money from Western Union. Fuiyooooo....

For many blogers out there, not the blogers who already get paid, im talking about amature bloggers like me who always wonder , is this google adsence really works? Am i able to reach 100 USD? All i can say is, yes this google adsence really works.

Many bloggers, already get paid few times. But am a amature, slowly slowly crouch and hit 100 USD after 1 year two months... . It is matter of time, traffic,and some "EXTRA" effort, hehe.

Tips tips , what tips, come onla, i also just reach 100USD once, still amature, not worth it for you read my tips.

Don't think i write this article to show off my first payment, but this article is to remind my reader about my new year resolution for 2009. One of it is to having own domain name. Even thou im not good in setting up hosting and domains, i think i want give a try. Money from internet, spend on internet again.

Like that, i must start think a suitable, significant, and trademark like domain name. Currently my domain name which is not that significant, as you can see above in URL panel. My trademank now, can be said as "Townguy".

So, my fellow readers do you have anything in my mind, to be suggested as my new domain name and trademark ? Just think about my style of writing, tactful but clumsy and can be said as not that good english.

Time to think................. I hope i can lauch the new page with my own domain by end of june.