The theme - 1Malaysia,
Slogan - RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN - PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN( English - People first, Achievement is main priority).
Till today, i think millions of ringgit/dollar already been spend for this theme in the form of speech, stickers, advertisements and etc etc. The aim is to bring the REAL meaning of 1 Malaysia to the citizens of Malaysia.

In logic sense -
What we understand by 1 Malaysia? Everything is 1 in Malaysia ,NOTHING is 2 or 3. I think the slogan of 1 Malaysia not really suitable for 1Malaysia theme.
1 Malaysia should matched with better slogans which reflects real meaning like :
- 1 Race, 1 Goal ( Bahasa Melayu - 1 Bangsa, 1 Matlamat)
- ............ anything else
Wrong Target Group-
Who are the real audience for this theme?? For most of us.... we think this slogan most suit for the minorities.... But current situation proves that this slogan need to me mainly aimed towards people who really needing it.
We can see in web , newspaper, many minority groups organising 1Malaysia themed functions, include in religions functions:
- Upcoming Ponggal festival in few temples.... themed 1 Malaysia (Malaysian Indians)
- Aiyepen devotees sponsored 1 Malaysia T-shirt by Dato Saravanan ( Malaysian Indians)
- Few Talks/speech Organised by MCA to spread 1 Malaysia concept (Malaysian Chinese)
- etc etc
Want to succeed the 1 Malaysia concept...... Try to educate MAJORITY ethnic group to understand and implement this wonderful concept. 1 Malaysia is a wonderful concept, all we need is - HONESTY, TOLERANCE( of majority), REAL IMPLEMENTATION( not just speeches and stickers on cars).
note : sorry for woeful English, thanks for your time.
Hai Townguy..
Nice write up brother..
Its actually a nice and helpful piece of info.
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