Assignment oh Assignment

My house's TM streamxy down for repair when i need it most . The TM technician himself don't know whats wrong with my internet connection which cause the very slow connection . I ponteng one day of my collage , with reason this time, lol , last Tuesday , so the TM technician can come to my house to repair the problem in the office hours as he want . After try to fix more than one hour , he look at me , i look at him , and he say : " Sayapun tak tau ape problem dengan you punye connection , semua nampak ookkey je , i balik office check and call you" . Than he go away , but never come back or call me either , hhmm . Im here waiting for his phone call , tavemai tavem iruken , lol .

Now i come to the main news of this article , you all by now saying : " this guy always like to cerita panjang" , haha , normal what , townguy the crab story teller .

Ya , the internet down when i need it most . I need my internet and google to finish my assignment , know why ? You all have been heard this before: "COPY,PASTE,EDIT,REFERENCE" technique which widely used to do assignment before ? . I also use it once in a while . IF you do business subjects , than this the fastest technique which can be used to finish the assignment . Pity , i only got one business subject . Other 4 subjects are IT related , don't even try to use the above technique in it , lol . The 4 subjects are , C++ , Database and web database , creativity and innovation(WTF) , and system analysis and design . Each of this subject have sad story behind it . Due to time constraint , let me choose the best nominee for the "SAD STORY BEHIND A IT SUBJECT" .

Winner of "SAD STORY BEHIND A IT SUBJECT" , is Database and web database . Early of the semester , the lecturer inform to the class that , she wont tech SQL , wtf , SQL is the main thing need to be teach by the lecturer in this subject . She provide a website address which contains all the video needed to complete the assignment , we have to learn it by our self . I like to mix with new people , so when the grouping take place to do this assignment , even thou my friends invite me to join their group, i like M1, refuse and join . At last my lecturer dump me into a group which the member who i never been be friend before , hoooray , i achieve my objective . Here comes the biggest threat(APPE KANNEKE TERIYATE MAMME) . There are 4 members in the team include myself. 2 are arab guys , 1 indian muslim girl , and me pachei Indian ,lol . Early of the semenser all of them looks very professional , and do some work . After few weeks i find out they all not PRO as they sounds and looks. Just yesterday , the Indian muslim girl inform be that, she wanted to drop this subject and that two arab guys only will showup for few classes , i also like them , but not bad as them , lol . Now the morale of the story is , i have to this subject's assignment BY MY OWN SELF , and i still asking WTF is SQL server , best part , the submitting date is in another 12 days . Not only that , im still screeching my head for do my other subjects , and the due date is next week .

Conclusion of the article , i need to submit 4 IT subject assignment in two and half weeks . And non of them even reach 15% of progress , appeye pathi sonnange , assignmentla semester earlyle start pannenone. Daiyoooo , lol .


-m3- said...

"townguy the crab story teller"
Hahahaha..LOL....neway,streamyx always sucks!!!
Assignments....hmmmm..throw it aside dude!! *senang je i cakap eh*
